Formal Curriculum Pathway
The Formal curriculum is designed for those pupils with general learning difficulties who are working consistently and over time significantly below age related expectations, although they are able to access the curriculum in a more formal teaching and learning environment. Generally, pupils on the formal curriculum demonstrate that they are ready to learn with some pupils showing curiosity to acquire new knowledge.
The formal curriculum is child centred, with the intent to teach pupils to take ownership of their learning, investigate and interact in the wider world. For these pupils subject-specific input provides a bridge between the semi-formal strand and that of the National Curriculum whilst taking into account individual learning styles and interests. Skills are taught contextually with functional literacy and numeracy skills being practised and applied to support real life situations e.g. reading a shopping list and handling money.
Our pupils may take many years to consolidate basic concepts and skills and therefore priorities are identified which will best support them in future life. Life skills and independence still form a large part of this curriculum.
The curriculum focuses on developing the key skills of communication, cognition, independence, physical development and self-care. This curriculum enables pupils to engage in more formal, structured and discrete lessons. These lessons are adapted accordingly so that they are practical, build on prior learning and consolidate knowledge and skills. Pupils will be working independently and in small groups and have access to a range of resources.
Pupils following the formal pathway will be learning through subject specific teaching. Core and foundation subjects are delivered alongside development of independent skills, including relevant accreditations. Within Key Stage 4 and 5 pupils also access Careers, Enterprise, Work Related Learning and Travel Training opportunities.
Our Formal learning programme includes:
- English
- Mathematics
- Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
- Self-help Skills
- Careers Education and Guidance
- History
- Geography
- Art
- Science
- Technology
- PE/Swimming
- Accreditation