George Hastwell School


Pupils gain admission to George Hastwell School through a directed place from Cumbria Local Authority. Admissions are on the basis that the student has an EHCP which provides detail of their severe or profound learning disabilities, and other impairments of difficulties (physical disabilities, sensory impairment, communication and language difficulties, complex health and medical needs or autism).

We accept pupils at any age and stage of their education as long as they are  between the ages of 3 and 19 years of age. We are not bound by the key stage age transfers (as in mainstream). Places are subject to size and numbers within a particular Curriculum Pathway and Key Stage.


George Hastwell School will consider pupils directed towards them, although exceptions do apply. Examples may include:

  • Resources are not in place to meet a student’s specific needs.
  • Control measures which lie outside the schools expertise.
  • Vulnerability and safety of students and staff.

Families should be aware that we are limited in admission numbers and because of this, we cannot guarantee a place automatically for your child even if the entry criteria is met. The decision ultimately lies with the Local Authority, as outlined above.


More information can be found in the Admissions Policy on the Policies page of this website.


More information about school admissions can be found on the Cumberland and Westmorland & Furness SEND Local Offer websites.

Families Information | Westmorland and Furness SEND Local Offer

Families Information | SEND Information Hub (Local offer) (